Very few farmers have money to burn. So why would you want to get anything less than full value out of the crop chemicals, fertilizer and irrigation water you apply? AGpHRx™ is a novel biological-based sustainable solution designed to instantly lower pH and water hardness for long-term stability, while adding oxygen and carbon to the soil.
AGpHRx™ not only blends with most herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers and micronutrients, but it improves the solubility and effectiveness of those products through improved foliar and ground penetration.
“By treating that well water, we’re releasing the dissolved minerals in the water so they become bio-available to the plants. At the same time, we’re adding a huge dose of carbon, oxygen and energy to that water, which gives the plants a real ‘shot in the arm’.”
John Troutman Troutman
Agri Solutions LLC
Marienthal, Kansas
We all know the value of rainfall on a crop. Rainwater not only provides the plant with needed moisture, but it provides dissolved oxygen, which is picked up from the atmosphere. AGpHRx™ makes well water used for irrigation perform more like rainwater.
In effect, AGpHRx™ balances the ratio between dissolved oxygen and carbon and helps maintain the pH in well water until it is absorbed into the soil and taken up by the plants. By releasing the dissolved minerals in well water, AGpHRx™ also makes them bio-available to the plants.
“The corn was out of the ground in about five days. Between the extra oxygen AGpHRx™ adds to the soil and the way it enhances the effectiveness of the fertilizer and micronutrients, we’ve seen amazing benefits.”
Justin Brester
Corn, soybean and alfalfa producer
Howells, Nebraska
“We’ve done side-by-side trials with and without AGpHRx™ added to the water applied through the pivots and we found that the alfalfa in the treated plot had bigger, healthier plants with more leaves and produced a higher yield and an increase in relative feed value.”
John Troutman
Troutman Agri Solutions LLC
Marienthal, Kansas
Unlike other pH-lowering products, AGpHRx™ does not add any additional salts to the soil . . . which can steal energy and water from plants.
In contrast, AGpHRx™ separates salt that is already in the soil into the separate sodium and chloride components, making sodium and other minerals available for the plant to utilize. Fact is, a plant can use up to 30 to 40 percent salt after it becomes bio-available.
Soil pH has an additional effect on soil conductivity and electrochemical balance. Plants like soybeans, alfalfa and clovers tend to take up more cations or minerals in proportion to anions, depending upon soil pH. This causes H+ ions to be released from plant roots in their efforts to maintain the electrochemical balance within their tissues based on the conductivity of soil. AGpHRx™ helps reverse the damage caused by high-salt, chemical-based fertilizers and improves the balance in subsoil acidity and conductivity.
Field trials have shown that soil irrigated with AGpHRx™-treated water stays wet a little longer, which translates into fewer rotations of the pivot and a measurable savings in water. Some estimate up to a 30 percent savings in water alone.
AGpHRx™ also releases the calcium, clay and zinc that cause compaction, allowing water and plant roots to more easily penetrate the soil, reducing compaction and further conserving water.
Additional benefits attributed to the use of AGpHRx™ in a tank mix or irrigation water include:
When using AGpHRx™ in a foliar application, it quickly adjusts the pH of any spray tank mixture. AGpHRx™ can also be applied to all field and row crops. Plus, it can be foliar applied by air or ground application equipment. AGpHRx™ can even be used as an in-furrow application.
This unique product displays benefits that are achievable on all crop types. Whether it’s alfalfa, wheat, soybeans, cotton, or any crop in between, give AGpHRx™ a try. For more information, contact your local distributor, or visit us online at
USE 16 ounces of AGpHRx™ per 100 gallons of water to adjust pH of spray tank mixture. For in-furrow application, use 8 ounces per acre. AGpHRx™ can be applied to all field and row crops. May be foliar applied by air or ground application equipment. For pivot/irrigation application use 16 ounces per acre per turn.
AGpHRx™ should be added to tank first and then add water with sufficient agitation. A jar compatibility test is recommended when mixing with other products.
When using AGpHRx™ in foliar sprays, the recommended rate is 16 ounces AGpHRx™ per 100 gallons water.
16 ounces per acre per turn are recommended three times per year.
Do not store product in direct sunlight. Protect product from freezing. Always check pH of tank mixture when adding AGpHRx™ to tank to maintain optimum pH level. Keep out of reach of children. Harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. In case of contact, immediately flush skin, eyes or clothing with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.